Kamis, 23 Agustus 2012

First day of Expedition Herschel Island Canada

23 Aug

Dear Travelers,

     My first day of expedition here in Herschel Island. It is a small island off the north coast of Yukon Territory. It is known as "Qikiqtaruk", which means "island", in Inuvialuktun. Archaeological sites show that ancestors of the Inuvialuit of the western Canadian Arctic lived on Herschel Island at least as early as 700 years ago. Starting in 1890 commercial whalers operating out of San Francisco and Seattle extended their voyages to the Beaufort Sea, often overwintering at Pauline Cove on Herschel Island. The commercial whaling era was short-lived, but at its peak in the mid-1890s more than fifteen ships and over one thousand whalers spent the winter on Herschel Island. Following the decline of the whaling era Herschel Island became a centre for the fur trade in the western Canadian Arctic. Herschel Island is now a Territorial Park administered by the Government of Yukon. Several historical buildings are preserved in the park.

See you there...

Rinell :-)

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