Sabtu, 28 Juli 2012

Haines Alaska USA

31 July - 1 August 2012

Dear Travelers,

Charming yet somewhat eccentric Haines can be a bit of a surprise to most visitors. Although citied for having the best small library in America in 2005 by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Library Journal, Haines is perhaps better known for its large assemblage of Bald Eagles.

The town is centered around Fort Steward, a collection of handsome white buildings surrounding a large parade ground (a Tlingit clan house) at its centre. Stop by the Tsirku Canning Co., a museum dedicated to preserving (pun intended) an industry that once had over 150 such operations along the coast. The tiny Hammer Museum boasts a collection of 1800 such tools, including an 800-year-old Tlingit mallet discovered while digging the foundation for the museum.

Visit the Alaska Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve (20 miles outside town) or drop into the unusual American Bald Eagle Foundation Natural History Museum, essentially a large diorama of over 180 species of Alaskan wildlife.

See you there...

Rinell :-)

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