Sabtu, 28 April 2012

Polynesia Expedition 2012

This month of May we are going to explore Polynesia. The Pacific Ocean is the greatest geographical feature on Earth. At its widest point it is nearly 8,000 miles/13,000 kilometers across, large enough to contain all the continents; herman Melville called it "the tide-beating heart of the world." We will continue our voyage across the Pacific with a Polynesia Expedition to discover some of its most remote islands, tiny specks of land in this vast expanse.

Sailing from Tahiti, iconic island of the Pacific dream, we voyage through the Tuamotu Islands, their coral motus (islands) and turquuoise laggons, remnants of ancient volcanoes scattered across the deep blue ocean. We meet the local inhabitants who welcome us with hip-swaying dances, experience firsthand the way of life on islands governed by the rhythms of the sea, discover the most idyllic beaches shaded by swaying palms, and dive into the clear waters to float above vibrant coral gardens, while divers experience the exhilarating drift-dives fro which the Tuamotus are famous.

To be continued...

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